"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crafty Tuesday

Pin It Since I have been doing this very week I figured I would start my own meme.  Crafty Tuesday!  This meme is for crafts that you have done, or for anything that you find that you want to share or do later on.  Jump on in and join us!! 

Here is the button, you can copy and paste the code from the sidebar and add it to your post or leave a link back please.  (this is also the first time trying out Linky Tools so I hope it will go well.)

This week I found a little t-shirt that our grocery store had on sale for 99 cents.  It's a boy's shirt but who cares!?!   Maddie really had a great time just painting whatever she wanted to on it.  Some of the things she did on her own but I helped her with the butterfly, heart and sun.  Oh, and of course there is some obvious stuff on it that I did.
She got to pick out what colors she wanted and I even have some glow in the dark fabric paint that she used too.  Maybe later I can see if we can get a pic of it glowing in the dark but not sure how that will go..

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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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