"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Crafty Tuesday

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To see all of the Crafty Tuesdays, click here!

Hello there!!  
Here's what you gotta do to join in on Crafty Tuesday!  Not asking much so please join in on the fun!  =)

Just started this meme on 9.21.10 so I am hoping it will go well!

1. This can be about anything you make or something you have found and want to try or share.

2. Please make it family friendly, no adult content or nudity.  
3.  Please post the Crafty Tuesday button in your post, you can grab the code in the sidebar, and add it to your post.  

4.  Add your blog link in the linkytools so others will be able to see what you have created and you will be able to visit others that have joined.  

Thanks so much for stopping by and joining!!

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