"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Looky what I got!?!?!

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  One Lovely Blog Award!

Awesome another blog award!
Thank you so much to Me 'n my Monkeys for this award!

On to the rules for accepting this award...

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
Here are 15 Wonderful Blogs you should checkout, in no particular order!

  1. A Daddy Blog
  2. Glass of Sweet Tea
  3. Hallelujah Anyhow!
  4. Dreams Do Come True
  5. Two Bears Farm
  6. A Pocket Full of Buttons
  7. This Mom's Delight
  8. The Englar Fam
  9. The Not So Perfect Housewife
  10. Things I Can't Say
  11. Really?  I'm a Mom?
  12. For What It's Worth...or not
  13. Mom Tried It
  14. No Time For Flash Cards
  15. Mine For The Making
I'm gonna break the rules because I have just one more to share... 
    My Thought-filled Journey

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.

Thanks again Jane!!!


Unknown said...

Oh Nicole.. thank you so much for honoring me in your blog.. and congratulations for you One Lovely Blog Award.. You deserve it.. Congrats again..
Have a blessed week..
See you again soon.. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Thanks for the award! It's been a while since I've gotten one. Seems like these things go in phases or something :-)

My Mad World said...

You are very welcome Karen! Hope you have a blessed week too!

You're welcome Lisa! I know, I don't see them around much but was glad to get another one! Only have 2, the one you gave me when I first started and now this one! =)

MTJ said...

Hi Nicole,

First, I want to congratulate you for receiving the One Lovely Blog award. I began reading your blog (Coming Alive in Christ) less than a week ago because a post titled 25 Random Things caught my attention. Since then, I've found myself returning to read what's in your heart to share with others.

Secondly, I began blogging in March and I'm both surprised and encouraged to see the volume of Christians who blog. Although it seems (to me) that there are more women blogging than men, I've been blessed to discover a wealth of genuine believers who sincerely and passionately live for Christ.

A blogger recently left me a comment saying that she thought I was a woman because she could so easily relate to what and how I wrote. Perhaps it's because I the major influences in my life were my mother and grandmother. But if you were to ask them for an honest assessment, they would probably say as a boy, "I would never be confused with being an angel."

In any case, I'm thankful that as a Christian, there are no distinctions in this forum; we are one in Christ. I think it would be wonderful if this approach could be transferable to the external world we live in because outside the realm of this Internet-based community is a world of hate, predjudice, class distinction, discrimination, jealousy, resentment and strife.

I think that's what makes this a rewarding experience. That we have the opportunity to speak from our heart and not view God and others with our eyes.

Thank you Nicole for mentioning my blog along with fifteen others. I will make a sincere attempt to look at each one but I'm not a Mom, or into crafts, and I'm don't sip tea. Please don't hold it against me if it appears that I'm retaining a modicum of male pride and dignity. I'm still learning the principle of forsaking all.

Blessings and peace.


My Mad World said...

Oh My Goodness! You have me almost falling out of my chair with that last part!!! lol
OK. I won't hold it against you for retaining your male pride! lol

Yes I am so thankful and so amazed at how many Christian bloggers there are out there! It is so great to meet so many of them. We are all family in the eyes of God and it would be so nice if the world would be like the internet world is sometimes, where there is no judging, no 'putting labels' on people. Just friends connecting with something that they have in common!

Michael @ adaddyblog.com said...

What a lovely thing to wake up to on a Monday morning. Thank you so much for passing along the award. Being a relatively new blogger, it's my first! If I understand the process, I'm to pass on the bloggy love to 15 of my newest favs? I did a bit of research and it seems this particular award has been making the rounds since 2004. How very kind of you to include me. I have a blog posting today, but will pass on this honor to other deserving blogs later this week, and of course share the link of the kind giver of the award, you. Have a lovely week!

My Mad World said...

=) You're welcome! Glad I could pass it on to you.
Good luck with finding 15 to pass it on to. Sometimes that is the hard part. lol

I need to go and look at all the awards they have out there, haven't really looked. How cool that this one has been around for so long!
Hope you have a great week!!

Mary said...

That's awesome! thanks for passing it on to me. :)

My Mad World said...

You're very welcome Mary! =)

Unknown said...

Thank you Nicole for recognizing my blog "Dreams Do Come True". I feel so blessed to be a blessing and I look forward to reading more of your posts and connecting with the other honorees.

My Mad World said...

It was a blessing finding your blog! SO glad I could share it with others the other day.
Have a great week!!

Mikki said...

Aww. Thank you so very much!!! Your very sweet!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Congrats on your award and thank you for sharing it with me, it is wonderful to meet you :)

My Mad World said...

You're welcome ladies!

Nice to meet you to Stephanie!!

An Imperfect Momma said...

Sorry for the late response...but thanks for the award! Also, congrats on yours :)

My Mad World said...

=) No problem!!
Thanks and I was happy to pass it along to you!

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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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