Happy Valentine’s Day!!
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The weather in my neck of the woods:
Things that make me happy:
The weather this week!!
My Heavenly Father
Church & Church Family
My Family
Book I'm reading:
my Bible
Harry Bentley’s Second Chance
(Yada Yada Brothers Series) by Dave Jackson
What's on my TV today:
whatever Miss Drama decides
On the menu for dinner:
Baked Ziti
On my To Do List:
clean up Mad’s room
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
nothing new, making chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies for the Story Time Valentine’s Party
In the craft basket:
more granny squares
Looking forward to this week:
this beautiful weather! Getting out of the house! Hoping to walk all this week!
Tips and Tricks:
Sorry, don’t have anything
My favorite blog post this week:
Didn’t do much reading blogs… crocheting and reading on my Kindle though
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
when others let you down there is only One that is truly faithful! Lean on Him and He will set your paths straight!
On my mind:
that the cookies I make will turn out alright for the kids on Wed. I don’t always frost the prettiest…
On my Prayer list:
Our Nation,
our church, pastor and my family
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Happy Valentines Day, loved your pictures today especially of the hamster....so cute
Love the new pet! Too bad we can't send you our cardboard zhu zhu hamster wheel we made last week. I bet your furry friend would love to chew it right up! ;-)
Hurray for the nice weather! I like your new hampster :)
Happy Valentine's Day
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