"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This is my story

Pin It Ok, where to begin...  for those of you that don't personally know me, here is my quick story.  I grew up in a little town, by little I mean no stop lights, 1 very small grocery store and a convenience store, at one time we did have 2 and a little cafe.  Our little town is a very Christian town so of course I was raised up in church.  I have always believed in God but I guess being a child I didn't really fully understand the need for Him.  I  mean I knew what it meant but just went on my merry way anyways and did whatever. 

When I was a teen I went to Falls Creek all my High School years.  I really loved it and got saved there.  I did my best to stay on the path but after graduating and being out in the big world I kind of did my own thing. Drank, did drugs all that stuff.  I finally decided I needed to grow up and stopped around 21 or so. One of the good things that came out of it was meeting Shane.  If I never would have meet him we wouldn't have Maddie!

I still always talked to God and prayed but it wasn't the relationship I now have with Him.  I guess in the past year, watching my cousin and her family deal with their son battling cancer got me back into church.  Their faith was so strong and that little boy was such a fighter I wanted to have that kind of strength!

I decided to ask God to come back into my life, to help me get back on the right path.  I am so glad that God never gives up on us and always welcomes us back with open arms!

I am sure some of you have wondered what has been going on with my blog because I am posting a lot more about God and what He is doing for me.  This is just where I am right now and am so thankful for that and want to share it with everyone.  Doesn't mean there won't be those bad days too but the only perfect person is God.  =)

Through FB we found an old friend of my husband's that he used to work with and hang out with.  Tom is now a pastor and we travel an hour each way every Sunday to listen to him. (he preaches in a town not far where we used to live) I am so thankful we found him!  It makes it easier knowing that he has been through the same thing as we have and to see him preaching now is amazing!!  He is living proof that God never turns His back on us and will continue to call you to do things and wait patiently for you to come to Him!

I have been fighting about whether I should go up front today or not.  There is always an invitation but I keep telling myself, you're already saved, why go up there?  Plus I don't like being in front of people at all!!!  Thursday night though, something just told me that I really need to do it anyways.  I need to share with them that I am starting over with my life and hope that this time I won't go off the path.  It is so nice to finally find a church that feels like home!  I love that church and really love going, just wish it was closer!! 

So that is pretty much my story... thanks to all my followers!  If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have found so many other wonderful blogs out there!

sorry about the followers that left me though...

Shane's been on call all week and never got called but he came in and woke me up at 4:30am this morning and he had to go to the city.  It's almost 7:45a, and he just got home.   So now he won't be going with us.  =(


Lisa said...

That is a beautiful story, I too was raised in church but notice a much deeper relationship with Christ due to my age and since I have become a parent. I can really relate to how you feel and your desire to talk about how good the Lord is. Great post my friend.

My Mad World said...

Thank you so much Lisa!! Like you said, even though I was raised in church and have always prayed, talk to God, it wasn't as...hmm... meaningful as it is now. Can't really put it in words... I guess my heart wasn't in it like it is now. I am just glad I was raised a Christian and have always had a relationship with the Lord even though I wasn't always doing right. Even after I stopped partying at 21 I still wasn't as close to God as I am now. Maybe it is something to do with age or finally trying to not impress any one else except God and yourself.

Unknown said...

Nicole I just read these two posts! I am so happy for your relationship with God! What a blessing to know we serve a loving God who cares for us! So glad you found a church to call "home!" Praise the Lord! xoxo <3 Julie

My Mad World said...

Thank you so much Julie!! Thanks for stopping by and reading it. Yes it is nice to have a church to call home!

2 Timothy 2:13
If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is.

Bro. Tom said that the other day in church. So true!! God is faithful even when we are not!

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Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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