"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mad’s 4 year Wellness check

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Maddie had her 4 year wellness check on Monday and of course that meant she had to get shots this time.  She had 4 of them but they could combine them so she only had to get 2 shots and then since I was a bad mom and didn’t get her flu shot this past year they went ahead and gave her one, so she had a total of 3 shots.  She did pretty well, crying mainly because she was just scared but not so much because it hurt. 

They said she was doing well and growing fine.  She is 45lbs and was 42in tall.  So I guess I really need to rehang the one we have here at the house.  We thought we measured it right but I guess it’s a little off so… oh well… 

Anyways, Doc said she was doing just great and of course he said he liked how energetic she was.  I just said that’s because you only see her for 10 minutes!  He thought that was pretty funny.  She sang him her little song about her little teddy bears.. “The bears are in love… the bears are in love… the bears are so in love!” and he told me I needed to get that on video and youtube it!  Then Mad yelled at the bears to stop fighting and gave one a time out so Doc said he sees how we do things at our house.  Thanks Mad for yelling at them!  He thought it was cute.

Here’s a few pics of the big girl after her Dr.’s appt.  She’s just growing up so fast!


Was trying to clean out her room & closet but she found one of her OLD baby toys and threw a fit about giving it away, that’s why it’s still here…


She is just growing up too FAST!


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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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