"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Crafty Tuesday with {Two Bears Farm}

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Welcome to Crafty Tuesday!  Crafty Tuesday is to share with others your craftiness, either with things you have made (craftiness or baking because that’s crafty too!) little ideas on fun things with the kids or something cute you have found that you would like to make!  Please feel free to link up and take the button in the sidebar on the right hand side!  Thanks!!!

While I am on vacation my good friend Lisa from Two Bears Farm has been kind enough to guest post for me!  I really appreciate it and I hope you are all having a great week!!  I know I am!!  Winking smile

I'm so excited to be guest posting on My Mad World, because I love all the crafty ideas here.  Nicole, I hope you're having a super time on your vacation! 

This week Pierce and I made rain sticks.  These are easy to make and can be as simple or as ornate as you want. 

We recently stocked up on multiple colored duck tape (I was making some duck tape change purses) so we decided to use that.  But alternatives would be to paint your tube, use tissue paper, crayons, or stickers.

We wrapped the tube in duck tape - each piece was around 7 inches long.  I let Pierce do some of the wrapping, so it's not perfect but he had fun with it.

Then you need to cut end pieces for the tube.  I traced the tube on a paper plate and then cut out the pieces.  I duck taped the first piece on.

Then we filled our tube with about 1 tbsp of bird seed.  You could also use rice or dried beans.  After that we duck taped the other end piece on.

Voila!  Tribal fun!

Stop by Two Bears Farm sometime to say hi - I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks so much again Lisa!  Sounds like a lot of fun!!  Pierce is too cute in that picture!!!


Irish Italian Blessings said...

Super cute crafty idea!! I'm hear from Two Bears Farm, I just love her! And, I seriously need to find this super cool colored duck tape!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hope you're having a wonderful vacation, Nicole! Can't wait to see all the pictures :-)

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