"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Monday, June 27, 2011

~Happy Homemaker Monday~

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check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for more HHM!

The weather in my neck of the woods:
june 25,2011
not looking forward to the upcoming heat!!!!

Things that make me happy:
Maddie sleeping in! 
yarn & material!!

Book(s) I'm reading:


What I'm enjoying on TV:
19 Kids and Counting
On the menu for dinner:
Turkey Burgers and salad
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
nothing new, everything involves the oven and with 100 degree weather that’s not happening!
On my To Do List:
Finish organizing some stuff and cleaning Mad’s room
In the Craft Basket:
a shirred dress for me
something for Mad
Looking forward to this week:
getting my dress done
hanging out with family on Sunday.
I have a cousin that has a birthday on the 2nd, my uncle’s is on the 3rd and mine is on the 4th.  Will prob be celebrating them all
My favorite blog post this week (Mine or other):
A Sizzling Summer by Kim at
can’t find the direct link but it was written on Wed. June 22
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
dress I made for Maddie on Friday
Lesson learned the past few days:
Make sure you have enough thread when you are starting a sewing project!  Not fun running out mid project… had some that matched fairly close though
On My Prayer List:
some friends,
our family,
our church and pastor
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. ~ Galatians 6:9


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ugh. That weather forecast!

Jen said...

Seeing all these temps above 100 degrees is going to keep my complaining about 85 down!! The picture of your daughter is just too cute. She looks like a fun kid. I love the poses in your post about the dress you made her. Love the one with sunglasses on.

Have a great week!

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