"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crafty Tuesday

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Welcome to Crafty Tuesday!   Crafty Tuesday is to share with others your craftiness, either with things you have made, (craftiness or baking because that's crafty too!) little ideas on fun things with the kids or something cute you have found that you would like to make!  Please feel free to link up and take the button in the column on the right hand side!  Thanks!

With fall finally being here I have had to change out the summer clothes for the winter stuff.  When I was digging through stuff I found an old wreath I had.  I don't really have a lot of fall like material or ribbon but I dug through all my supplies and came up with some that would do.  
I just spray painted it black, didn't cover it fully with the paint because I liked the wood (or whatever it is) coming through too.  Then I found some ribbon and just started wrapping.  It needed a littl something but again like I said I don't have a lot of cute fall colors so I just made do.  This was just a very quick throw together so I could have something half way cute on the door for the Arbonne party I had this past Saturday.
 So... here is what I came up with.  I'm still trying to figure out if it is cute or ugly!  It's kind of like those dogs that are so ugly its kinda cute!  lol  Oh well, I'll try to get some stuff this year and be better prepared for next year!

Thanks for looking!  Feel free to link up!! 



Mamí♥Picture said...

That's cute!!
Have a fabulous Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

I love the wreath! I feel so inadequat ;) I couldn't link up... I got an error in the linky tools. Here is my link http://www.adventuresofarborcreek.net/2010/10/crafty-tuesday.html

My Mad World said...

LOL!!!! Thanks Robin! You are not inadequat!! Silly woman! I will come and check yours out!
I added you to the linky tool!

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