"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crafty Tuesday

Pin It This was supposed to have posted at midnight last night but I guess it didn't and this is the first time I checked it.  Sorry... linky is open until next week though so please join in!

Welcome to Crafty Tuesday!  Crafty Tuesday is to share with others your craftiness, either with things you have made (craftiness or baking because that’s crafty too!) little ideas on fun things with the kids or something cute you have found that you would like to make!  Please feel free to link up and take the button in the sidebar on the right hand side!  Thanks!!!
Another quick one today.  We’re gonna have a pretty bad snow/ice storm coming in during the night so I thought I would just hurry up and post something.  I hope the rest of you have something good!  Smile 
Thanks to all that have been joining in lately!!
I got a Kindle about a week ago and I didn’t want to spend the $40 on a cover/case so I decided to make one until the one I found on ebay got here.  I ended up just putting the elastic across the top and the bottom.  It worked out pretty well.  (didn’t take a picture after I did that though)

I had some double sided interfacing I got a while back to use for a hat bill (that didn’t go to well) so I used that to put on the front and back.  It was pretty simple to make.  I just took a fat quarter, folded it in half, laid the Kindle on it and cut it out.  Then I cut 2 of the interfacing so that I would still be able to close it.  I also had a really heavy duty magnet that I used on it.  That’s about it!  It actually went pretty fast, maybe too fast because I could have made it a little prettier if I would have taken more time.  Oh well, it’s just for a back up now anyways.  Happy Crafting everyone!

Looks like I will have to find a different linky tool since Linky Tools is now starting to charge.  It also said that all the past links will be deleted unless I pay the $24 a year, which I know isn't bad but when I only use it once a week, it's not really worth it so I will continue to search..


Penny said...

InLinkz.com lets you have free text collections. It used to be completely free.

What is with everyone charging for everything now!?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've been using McKlinky. So far no charges.
Love that fabric!

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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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