"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crocheting the Day Away!

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I have been crocheting now for about 6 years but I have always done the simple things.. When I first started the hardest thing I did was make a cardigan and now for the life I me I probably couldn’t do it again. 
Every winter I always manage to make some scarfs, cowls, or hats but that’s about it.  A friend of mine, Mary, has this wonderful blog she started not to long ago called, Crocheting the Day Away.  She has inspired me to try some newer things.  Well, at least get away from my normal little hats.  She has some really pretty stuff and uses such beautiful yarn!  I just thought I would share some of her stuff with everyone and have you all go and check her out!  And check out her Etsy Store too… Fountain Top Creations
Here are of few of Mary’s creations…

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and here is a quick, and ugly pic of me with my old sweater I made 6 years ago, a cowl I did and a hat I made years ago too..this was taken around midnight so I was in my nasty sweats and sweatshirt...


Mary said...

This is such a sweet post! Thank you so much. :)

I love the sweater you made. I don't know when I will get to that point! Ha

I hope you have a fabulous weekend :)

My Mad World said...

You are so very welcome Mary! Just wanted to share your talent with everyone else!!

sent you an email. :)

Deborah Ann said...

Wow, what beautiful things! So far I only know how to crochet necklaces, but I love doing it!

My Mad World said...

Would really love to see some of your necklaces Deborah Ann! I just started that not long ago too! Very addictive!!

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Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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