"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crafty Tuesday

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Welcome to Crafty Tuesday!  Crafty Tuesday is to share with others your craftiness, either with things you have made (craftiness or baking because that’s crafty too!) little ideas on fun things with the kids or something cute you have found that you would like to make!  Please feel free to link up and take the button in the sidebar on the right hand side!  Thanks!!!
Still been doing a lot of Amigurumi lately.  They are just so addictive!!!  I have made quite a few and have actually sold some too.  Mad is getting a decent collection!  I need to get some more brown yarn so I can make a cute little hedgehog now!  Smile 
Here’s another picture of the little ones (and 1 big one) I’ve made the past few days.

My faithful: Sweet Diva  :)


Karen said...

Very cute...especially the penguin!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They're adorable. I bet she has a blast with them.

Mary said...

those are so cute! Did you buy that Amigurumi Word book by Paula Rimoli?

Happy Hooking :)

Tiggeriffic said...

Tiggeriffic ~! that is the word for these cute animals that you are making. Can you imagine a child that is in the hospital ? they would love one of these.
I'm sure you will be able to sell a bunch,they are adorable..
Have a Tiggeriffic day...ta ta for now from Iowa:)

My Mad World said...

Thanks everyone!!

Yes Annie, I know! Once I get a good supply going and kinda making some money I am going to start making some for the Children's hospital. My cousin is constantly doing fundraisers in memory of her baby boy so they would be perfect for that too! They also to toy runs for the children's hospital Cash spent so much time in.

Mary- I'm hooking day and night! ;)

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