"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crafty Tuesday

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Crafty Tuesday 2
Welcome to Crafty Tuesday!  Crafty Tuesday is to share with others your craftiness, either with things you have made (craftiness or baking because that’s crafty too!) little ideas on fun things with the kids or something cute you have found that you would like to make!  Please feel free to link up and take the button in the sidebar on the right hand side!  Thanks!!!

So… I decided I needed to clean up my sewing area, I had several bags of stuff I needed to go through.  My mom, MIL and aunt have given me a ton of old clothes to use for material and scrap material.  I went through them and got rid of quite a bit of it.  I did find this really pretty material but there wasn’t much of it.  I was so happy when I found out I had enough to make Mad a dress!!

I originally wanted to make a shirred dress but didn’t have enough material to do it so I ended up just putting elastic in the top and then shirred the straps of it.  Added a little flower and a button she found but really loved.  I think it turned out pretty cute!!  The straps are a little long but that’s alright, she’ll grow into it!!

I love it and I think she does too!!!

with attitude!

my little princess

the back… yes I meant for it to have to split in the back… but only because that is how the material was cut and it would have ended up a shirt if I cut it off!  lol


on the way to the Thrift Store to drop off some stuff… and what a surprise we found when we got there… more on that Thursday! Winking smile


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, I'm impressed!

My Mad World said...

Thanks Lisa!

Thanks Mary for linking up!!! :)

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