Been working so hard with Maddie to learn her ABC's and she just flat out refuses! I have tried pretty much everything I can think of. She has a little 
LeapFrog Scribble and Write
and she will do that but if you ask her what the letter is she can't tell you. I have tried flash cards for about a year but that hasn't worked either. I held up 'A' and she couldn't even tell me what that was! The rest of the day didn't go to well either because I wouldn't let her watch anything but her
LeapFrog - Letter Factory
for the rest of the day. Yeah, I'm a mean mom! I just don't know any other way to get her to learn them!
On Wed I did try something a little different though. I only used 'A, B, C & D' and put them out on the table and asked her to hand me 'C' and she did! She got all of them right about 90% of the time!! I think I am going to keep doing it like that for awhile and then either keep adding more or just go on to the next four until she can do them pretty well and then do eight together and go from there. Crossing my fingers that she keeps doing well with it this way. I know she is a smart little thing because she comes up with all sorts of songs and stories all the time.
We did do some craft though on Tuesday which I posted here. Tried to give her a little break from learning. If it's crafts she loves to do it! I have even tried to do crafty ABC stuff and nope won't do it. =(
Wednesday we went to the library for Story Time and the craft they always do. She loves going to that. Today they read books with ducks as the little characters so they made a little duckie craft. They also gave everyone a cute little book too! Oh, and I also forgot I had ordered another shirt for her from them so we got that too! It's really cute and is the Alice & Wonderland theme that say's, "the Wonder of Reading" She will also be getting a free t-shirt through the Summer reading Program since she/we have read her 20 books. Gotta love the Guthrie Public Library! Here are some pics of Mad at Story Time, showing off her glitter lip gloss, singing a song about a fish and doing her duck craft.
Of course we have been swimming pretty much everyday too except for Monday of course. Man Tues it was VERY cold!!!! Maddie has been getting pretty close to putting her face in the water too. She does blow bubbles though, has been doing that for awhile now. She is finally using her tube floatie too and doing pretty well. She dog paddles with it and tries to use her arms to 'swim'. She is so proud of herself and so are we!
Today we are also going to have a friend of mine and her 3 girls over for a cookout and swim party! Hope the weather stays nice and that Maddie is good and doesn't yell and cry when they leave.
I'm sorry if the blog has been a little messed up lately. As you have figured out by now I don't like regular fonts and I love to be able to personalize everything! If any of you think the fonts on the sidebars are too much let me know. Been worried about that. I am going back and forth from liking it to not liking and wanting to just delete them. Mom was saying the banner up top was hard to read and I know it is but I just don't want to fix it right now. I will work on it some more later and see what I can come up with that half way matches the rest of the blog. Leaving the pic of Mad on it though! Love that picture of her! (just changed it to the one I had before I put it in the frame)
Think that is about all my rambling for now. Can't really think of much else but of course I'll be in bed tonight thinking of all sorts of stuff! Friday she gets to go stay the weekend with her grandparents!! Yea for both of us!
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