Just wanted to show appreciation for everyone out there that has come to read my blog and share in my 'madness'. Thanks!!!
Here's the pictures of them, 1 side on top the other side is the bottom picture. Most of them are a little different on the other side. Just comment on the one you like the best! Good luck!!! Oh, I will be announcing the winner on the anniversary day October 26th!
(You can click the pic to make it bigger too!)
If you don't see the pictures after 5p PDT, I guess blogger is doing maintenance so you might have to try and remember to come back and comment which one you like! (oh and if your email isn't on your blogger profile please leave it in the comments or email me!)
*Hopefully the winners don't like the same one.. if so I will let the ones know that liked the same and we can figure something out! lol
3rd time is a charm I hope. I keep trying to comment!
Happy blogiversary!! :-) Mine isn't until December.
I like #1 the best.
Happy anniversary to you and Maddy! I like your green necklace--#8. Have a good week.
I like #3! You're very clever Nicole! What a great idea for a necklace!
I like #2! That is very clever. Hmmm the ideas!
Christi Koehn
I like #2 or #1. They are both pretty neat. Congrats on your blogoversary! Mine is next month--hard to believe a year has gone by already.
Ahh...I'm with Vandy..I like one...and two! Hehe. I can't figure out which one I like more.
I'm so happy you decided to do this :)
Happy (almost) anniversary!! Woohooo!!!
Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary! I'll have to go figure out when I started my most recent blog. Clearly it was after the baby was born, lol. I like the colors in number 8... and the little bead. I think my wife would like that. BTW, did you get my email that you won the Dr. Seuss Giveaway? Maybe you replied and my spam filter caught it for some reason? Have a great night. Oh, and don't dream of any of those creepy kids in masks.
I truly love #6. These are awesome. Happy Blogoversary. Bloggy World is a great place to meet people and make friends.
~ Yaya
Hi Nicole,
MTJ likes #7, I think they all are creative but if I have to choose, I'll say #3.
Happy Anniversary on your blog!
They all look so adorable!
I love #7!!
Count me in!
Yeah! Happy Blogaversary! I am newer to your blog, but love it. :) It is hard to choose my favorite, but I am in love with #2.
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