"But by the grace of God I am what I am! 1 Corin. 15:10"

Sunday, September 1, 2019

It's been a while

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Hello everyone!  It's been a long time since I have posted.   Let's see, back in June of 2015 we got a new house.  I absolutely love it!  It's out of town and so nice and quiet.    Maddie is now 12 years old and just started 7th grade!  It's only been 2 weeks since she started but so far she says she loves it!  Sure different than the last few years of school.  It's crazy how fast time has gone.  She is growing up so fast and becoming an amazing little human being!  

She got her first dog in 2016, a nice Italian Greyhound Chiuahua mix.  She's a highstrung little thing but is finally learining to trust us.  Only took her about a year before she would play and not freak out or pee when you pick her up.   

My amazing husband started a new career after 15 plus years with his previous company.  It was a very hard and scary decusion for him and us but it was worth it!  He is now a biomed and loving it.   He has a long drive but other than that it is great! 

I am still in my Purchashing position and it is crazy as ever.  A new company took over operation in 2017 and it has been hectic ever since!  I am now on my 4th boss.  Not sure if it's because that position is so stressful or maybe it's me?  I have a great boss now, one that can put up with all my crazy and even knows when to ignore me.  Wasn't so sure about hime when I first met him because he was in a stuffy suit and ties but he is an amazing, fun, supportive and encouraging boss!

I'm trying to find some good pictures to post here but I have nothing on this computer so I am searching fb for some.  She's getting to that age where she just doesn't want me to take pictures of her anymore!  

Here's just a few of what I found.

I'm going to try to update this more often.  It was fun to look back and see all the things we used to do and how much she has grown.  I miss having this journal of our lives!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

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Hey everyone!  I know I haven't posted in a long time.  Life gets busy!
Maddie is almost done with 2nd grade already and growing up so fast!

I started a new job in November 2014 as a Purchasing Clerk, also became a Jamberry Independent Consultant and we are in the process of buying a new house!

Very busy!!

I just want to share something with you all real quick.

This is why I love Jamberry so much!!

Nepal Relief Wrap: Jamberry wants to show our support for the people of Nepal who are dealing with the aftermath of a terrible earthquake. To do this, we have  created a beautiful wrap that will be available May 6 - 8 for purchase. Jamberry will donate 100% of our net proceeds* from this wrap to UNICEF to support the earthquake relief effort. You can find it under the Commitment to Charity link.

Nicole Jamberry Independent Consultant

Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm still alive

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I just thought I would hop on here and make a quick little post and let you all know that I am still alive and well.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mad has turned 7 this past January and is doing great in school!  She is growing up so fast and is turning into a smart, beautiful young lady.  She is still loving school and loves the teachers and the kids at school and daycare.  I am still working but now I work from 11a-8p, which is a lot better than the 2p-11p that I was doing before.  I get to be home in the evening and check Mad's homework, spend a little time with her and tuck her into bed.  I also get to spend more time with the hubby too, which is a wonderful thing!

Here's a few pictures of Miss Mad since the last post.

So proud of this little girl!!

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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)
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